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women more likely to feel undervalued at work.

Written by Skyler Moss | Aug 8, 2018 3:29:23 PM

Keeping in line with national data that suggests, on average, women earn less than men for equal work, in a survey released by Randstad US, only 57 percent of women felt that their salaries were adequate for their positions/levels of responsibility compared to 65 percent of men.

The Q2 2013 Engagement Study conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of Randstad, examined the ethos of both men and women on a range of employee issues including perceived value. In addition to being more likely to feel undercompensated, more women than men felt that their current employer does not offer promotions or bonuses to high performing employees as a means of promoting employee engagement (22% of women vs. 27% of men), and only 49 percent of women compared to 54 percent of men thought they were likely to get a raise at the end of the year. Find out more women-focused engagement data. 

a closer look at the study:

value and compensation affect employees’ attitudes toward employers

  • Adequate compensation may contribute to men feeling more optimistic advancing within their organization, reflected by the fact that 31 percent of men surveyed think they will get promoted by the end of the year, compared to only 24 percent of women
  • Additionally, 64 percent of men surveyed expect to grow their careers with their current employers compared with only 59 percent of women.

women want relationships, corporate social responsibility and flexibility

  • Nearly nine in 10 women agree that relationships with colleagues (88%) and direct supervisors (86%) have a big impact on how happy they are with their jobs. 
  • While both men and women enjoy flex time, 93 percent of women whose employers offer a reduced schedule or flex time during the summer months say that this improves company morale and 81 percent agree they feel productivity increases because it. Read more from our recent Engagement Study.
  • Seventy-four percent of women polled also said that it was important to them that their company invests in CSR efforts.

company reputation matters to women

  • If they were considering taking a position with a new company, over nine-in-10 women (97%) say that a company having a good reputation among its employees as a good place to work would be important to them, compared to 94 percent of men. 
  • Similarly, women were also more likely to say that the company’s reputation in the community would also be important to them in a new employer (92% vs. 83% of men).