No company can afford a bad hire, much less an employee apocalypse that transforms good employees into directionless zombies. Just one bad hire can slowly infect co-workers with negative attitudes, low engagement and, ultimately, poor performance. In fact, it only takes one bad hire to turn a great team into ... the working dead.
Small to midsize companies with lean talent teams often struggle most when gaps aren’t filled, so hiring managers often need to move quickly to fill vacancies. But finding the right people can be challenging, and the process can take more time than many organizations can afford.
For example, in Randstad’s 2015 Workplace Trends Report, a majority of hiring managers say it takes roughly two to three months to fill a position. And when you need someone “yesterday,” two to three months may simply be too long to wait.
Sometimes, out of desperation, hiring managers settle. They settle on an average candidate to lift additional burdens and stress from the rest of their staff. They settle because their teams’ productivity is suffering and quality output is compromised. They settle because they simply cannot afford to take any more time away from their schedules by reviewing resumes and conducting interviews.
So … assume you settle. As long as the new hire can produce, that’s better than a vacancy … right?
Not necessarily.
Many hiring managers learn the hard way how one bad hire can contaminate their teams, just like a zombie can infect an entire civilization. When an effective dynamic is disrupted, whether due to poor performance or poor cultural fit, an otherwise intact group’s processes, energy and efficiencies can break down. And in small to midsize companies, the speed and impact of a bad-hire infection can be fast and furious.
But never fear -- an apocalypse need not be in your organization’s future.
Randstad US has offices across the nation with staffing and recruiting experts who know how to assess your needs and provide you with right-fit talent, fast. Whether you’re looking for a temporary employee to cover a leave or a permanent team member to contribute to your bottom line long-term, we’ve got you covered!
We prescreen candidates, test their skills and assess their cultural fit so you don’t waste time reviewing resumes or interviewing candidates who aren’t a match. Our expertise and extended candidate network ensure that your next hire is the right hire … not the working dead.