how does randstad retain its talent?

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Our recruiters are busy every day building new relationships with professionals all across the country. The talent we work with know when they join our network, they get access to opportunities that fit their skills and match their personalities. We treat them like people — not numbers — and we're dedicated to helping them find meaningful work that lets them reach their potential.

In addition to connecting them with opportunities, we offer career support services and competitive compensation packages, with benefits like:

  • 401(k) plans

  • flexible health benefits allowing candidates to choose services based on their individual needs and budget

  • extra perks like gym memberships, store discounts and more

Offerings vary among our services, so select your industry from the list below, or get in touch with a local Randstad representative for more details.








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how does randstad retain its talent?

Posted by Chris Ceballos on May 6, 2019 2:44:49 PM

Our recruiters are busy every day building new relationships with professionals all across the country. The talent we work with know when they join our network, they get access to opportunities that fit their skills and match their personalities. We treat them like people — not numbers — and we're dedicated to helping them find meaningful work that lets them reach their potential.

In addition to connecting them with opportunities, we offer career support services and competitive compensation packages, with benefits like:

  • 401(k) plans

  • flexible health benefits allowing candidates to choose services based on their individual needs and budget

  • extra perks like gym memberships, store discounts and more

Offerings vary among our services, so select your industry from the list below, or get in touch with a local Randstad representative for more details.








Topics: phase:awareness, industry:all, cat:employee engagement, topic:faqs, topic:our talent, cat:staffing