can you​ send us available candidates from your network for us to evaluate?

can you​ send us available candidates from your network for us to evaluate?

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While we do have a vast network of qualified, pre-screened candidates at the ready, we always suggest working together to find the best-fit hire for your business. In fact, it's what our high-touch approach to staffing is based on. At Randstad Engineering, we don't just fill roles — we take pride in our ability to utilize human insight to go beyond the resume and assess candidates based on less quantifiable factors like personality and culture fit.

At the start of our partnership, we'll sit down to review the requirements of your role(s) and your workplace culture to ensure we're targeting the right candidate profile. We have relationships with qualified professionals nationwide, so no matter how urgent or complex your needs may be, Randstad Engineering has a solution. We will work to send you the right candidates.



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can you​ send us available candidates from your network for us to evaluate?

Posted by Skyler Moss on Dec 14, 2018 1:41:34 PM
Skyler Moss

While we do have a vast network of qualified, pre-screened candidates at the ready, we always suggest working together to find the best-fit hire for your business. In fact, it's what our high-touch approach to staffing is based on. At Randstad Engineering, we don't just fill roles — we take pride in our ability to utilize human insight to go beyond the resume and assess candidates based on less quantifiable factors like personality and culture fit.

At the start of our partnership, we'll sit down to review the requirements of your role(s) and your workplace culture to ensure we're targeting the right candidate profile. We have relationships with qualified professionals nationwide, so no matter how urgent or complex your needs may be, Randstad Engineering has a solution. We will work to send you the right candidates.



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