If you’re looking to hire faster, save on costs and get better talent all at the same time — let’s work together. We’ve seen our customers succeed over the years thanks to the complete set of HR services that we offer — so much so, in fact, that we recently became the number-one staffing firm on the planet. Our ability to provide a full-suite of HR offerings beyond just staffing has empowered the businesses we work with to reach new heights, giving them the talent they need today and the workforce strategies they need tomorrow to make their success sustainable.
Here’s why partnering with us, and leveraging our world-leading services, can deliver maximum value to your business.
We learned long ago that making a great hire takes more than just filling roles. And as a business leader, you’ve likely seen your fair share of poor-fit hires. Aptitude, past performance and results are important, of course, but you're hiring a person — not a piece of paper — and if you don't account for the human element, you may never get the people you need to grow your business.
No matter how many credentials a candidate may have, if they’re not a culture fit for your office, they'll never be able to reach their true potential. That's why our process is designed to account for all the factors that can't be quantified on a resume. We weigh intangibles like personality, communication style and preferred working methods just as heavily as skills and qualifications. We call our approach "high tech and high touch" because it combines the best of today's latest technologies and in-depth human insight. Our recruiters use digital sourcing tools to help them find candidates faster at the start, but they’re not robots — they know when it’s time to unplug. Computers can't evaluate the intangibles that take precedence during this second phase of sourcing. That's why our recruiters will work with you and your business to learn about what matters to you and get a feel for your work culture and how your business operates. With the right people in place, you can avoid incurring the costs of making a bad hire and eliminate the toll that high turnover can take on your bottom line.
When you back a proven hiring approach with an extensive talent network like ours — magic happens. Hiring the right talent for your business can sometimes seem like a gamble, but we take the uncertainty out of the process by sending you proven, pre-vetted professionals who can be ready to hit the ground running with minimal guidance. We've built relationships with talented candidates in industries from all across the globe. Many have worked with us before, so if we're sending you talent from our candidate pool, you can rest assured that they've got the skills needed to succeed in the roles you're looking to fill.
But our reach isn't limited to just our network. It extends to the wide range of services we offer and the many industries we support. While you could get all these services from other staffing agencies, you can’t get them all in one place like you can with Randstad. We can hire talent on a temporary, temp-to-hire or direct-hire basis — from the entry level all the way up to the C-suite — across industries, like:
We're also equipped to provide support in areas like employee engagement, talent planning and workforce management to address your staffing needs from all sides. Hiring cycles can be lengthy — in fact Randstad’s own research recently revealed that it takes businesses an average of two to three months to fill a direct-hire position.* With top talent on the market for as a little as 10 days, you need to act faster if you want to win top performers over to your organization. Working with us, and leveraging our network of proven, pre-vetted professionals who can hit the ground running from day one, can help you beat out the clock and get you the skilled talent you need.
Staffing, however, is about more than just talent acquisition, and that’s why we offer strategic support in other critical areas like employee retention, engagement and workforce management. It’s true, you need to put the right people in the right places, but without these sound strategies in place to back them, your once-carefully constructed workforce could come undone at any moment.
Turnover is the primary threat for businesses that don’t prioritize this kind of planning. With the costs of making a new hire estimated at 21 percent of an exiting employee’s annual salary, a seemingly small turnover problem could quickly spiral into a big-time expense. But in order to tackle turnover, you need to spot the signs. By prioritizing employee engagement and integrating the right workforce management plan into your daily workflow, retention rates will improve, as your staff becomes more content on the job and as a result — more productive overall. In fact, highly engaged teams have 59 percent less turnover and were found to be 21 percent more profitable.
When you work with us, we’ll make sure you have all the right plans in place, and can provide as little or as much support as you need. Though our reach may be vast, it doesn't prevent us from being able to scale up or down as you need it, so you never have to worry about coverage as your business changes over time.
Our proven hiring approach, vast talent network and ability to address all your staffing challenges under one roof is how we got to be the top staffing firm today — but it’s also how you can expect us to deliver maximum value for your business tomorrow. Our people-first approach to staffing means better hires and lower turnover costs, and our extensive network ensures that the talent we send you will have the tools for the job. All this, plus the ability to meet your workforce needs — all in one place — makes us the top contender when considering a new staffing partner.
Get in touch with us today to learn about ways Randstad can help your business grow.
*Randstad USA, “randstad professionals: client survey executive summary.” 2019.
Randstad USA, Registered office: One Overton Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd SE, Atlanta, GA 30339.
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